Robin Schmucker



8227 Gates Hillman Center

4902 Forbes Ave

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Welcome! I am a postdoctoral researcher with joint affiliations at Carnegie Mellon University, under the guidance of Prof. Tom Mitchell, and the University of California, Berkeley, where I collaborate with Prof. Zachary Pardos.

My research focuses on machine learning and human-AI interaction, particularly in the context of large-scale online education. I develop data-driven algorithms and systems to promote more effective, scalable, and equitable learning experiences. Some questions I am actively pursuing:

  • What can we learn about student knowledge acquistion using modern machine learning and robust statistical methods? [1, 2, 3, 4]

  • How can reinforcement learning help us understand the effects of instructional materials and refine the abilities of learning systems? [1, 2]

  • How can generative-AI facilitate structured conversational learning activities and foster new types of content authoring tools? [1, 2]

We are grateful to collaborate with the CK-12 Foundation, where our algorithms for student knowledge modeling and content selection benefit millions of learners worldwide.

Previously, I completed my PhD in the Machine Learning Department at CMU. I studied computer science at KIT in Germany. I was a research assistant at TECO with Prof. Michael Beigl. Supported by the CLICS fellowship, I worked on human-robot interaction advised by Prof. Manuela Veloso. In the industry, I was a research intern at AWS where I designed new algorithms for multi-objective hyperparameter optimization and contributed to AutoGluon.

Research opportunities: I am happy to collaborate, discuss research and answer questions about CMU’s academic programs. If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email.

I am on the job market for positions in machine learning, human-AI interaction, education and related disciplines.


Dec 18, 2024 Our paper on AI Mentors for Student Projects got accepted as a spotlight at AAAI-iRaise.
Nov 05, 2024 Honored to give talks about LLM-based conversational tutoring at UPenn and WPI.
Oct 03, 2024 I successfully defended my PhD thesis on Sequence-Modeling for Assessments and Interventions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. I am deeply thankful to the many friends and collaborators who contributed to my dissertation, both directly and indirectly.
Jul 28, 2024 Our project Artificial Mentors for Student-Driven Projects won a Tools Competiton Catalyst award. We develop LLM-based technologies to support project-based learning activities.
Jul 06, 2024 Looking forward to two weeks of insightful discussions and presentations at AIED and L@S. We are honored to present several of our recent works [1,2,3].

selected publications

  1. AIED
    Ruffle&Riley: Insights from Designing and Evaluating a Large Language Model-Based Conversational Tutoring System
    Robin Schmucker, Meng Xia, Amos Azaria, and Tom Mitchell
    In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education , 2024
  2. L@S
    Gaining Insights into Group-Level Course Difficulty via Differential Course Functioning
    Frederik Baucks*Robin Schmucker*, Conrad Borchers, Zachary A. Pardos, and Laurenz Wiskott
    In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale , 2024
  3. LAK
    Gaining Insights into Course Difficulty Variations Using Item Response Theory
    Frederik Baucks*Robin Schmucker*, and Laurenz Wiskott
    In Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference , 2024
  4. ECTEL
    Learning to Give Useful Hints: Assistance Action Evaluation and Policy Improvements
    Robin Schmucker, Nimish Pachapurkar, Shanmuga Bala, Miral Shah, and Tom Mitchell
    In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning , 2023
  5. ICCE
    Transferable Student Performance Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
    Robin Schmucker, and Tom M Mitchell
    In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education , 2022
  6. JEDM
    Assessing the Knowledge State of Online Students-New Data, New Approaches, Improved Accuracy
    Robin Schmucker, Jingbo Wang, Shijia Hu, Tom Mitchell, and  others
    Journal of Educational Data Mining, 2022